"Hey caroline, look!"
He ran away and later I spied him loitering around the wall. He had brought something to help him define the situation.
Moments later he disappeared and I was forced to burden the heavy laundry basket back to the apartment alone.
When I walked in the door, Ryan had already started making his contraption.
I would post up the directions on how to make an urban forager, but I don't think this particular contraption needs any kind of explaining. But I'll just tell you it's made out of a broom, a yard stick, a plastic bag and a paper grocery bag, and lots of masking tape. Oh, and plastic coat hangers.
Ryan finished quickly. He tried to move as quickly as he could when he saw I was equiped with a camera.
Look at him run.
I walked back to the laundry room and sure enough...
If you really want to know how Ryan built his contraption, here is a close up:
There will be more urban foraging in the future. Like this one, I will try to take good pictures. Ryan will be working on a google map with a lot of public edible plants so you can forage for yourself.
That's adorable. It is like a little story book. :)
elizabeth v
Ryan is so bad!
Caroline, once you date criminals, there is no turning back.
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