Monday, July 21, 2008

This guy made it his job!

Photo Credit: Peter DaSilva for The New York Time

After lots and lots of craziness these past few months, I finally had the chance to browse the internets and came upon this great article in the NY Times.

This guy makes it his job to plant and maintain urban backyard organic veggie gardens for his lazy (or busy) clients.

Here is a link to the article, I suggest reading this. It is a fun and easy read.

Monday, July 14, 2008

dear friends

Regretfully, I will be taking a hiatus from this blog. There are other things I need to take care of at this time. Sadly, my poor garden has been suffering from my extreme lack of time.

Please feel free to ask questions. I will post them with your permission along with any reply I can offer. Any question is welcome. Even if it is in regards to things other than gardening.

For the time being, please look at this amazing site from some folks over in Los Angeles. They are doing some simple and amazing things.

Fallen Fruit

Also watch this great video about "Animal Estates", brought to you by the same guy who did "Edible Estates", Fritz Haeg

xoxo, love funtimehappygardenexplosion.